Advanced theological links

The authority of the bible
The Chicago statement on biblical inerrancy
Inspiration and inerrancy – James Sawyer
The inspiration and trustworthiness of the bible - Lorainne Boettner

Answering challenges in biblical studies
The New Testament canon - M James Sawyer
A consideration of form criticism - Craig Blomberg
The synoptic problem - Daniel B Wallace
The resurrection narratives - Greg Herrick

Biblical studies in general
Biblical studies foundation
Tyndale house, Cambridge
Resources pages for biblical studies
Relevent on-line dictionaries
On-line Hebrew/Greek lexicon
Commentary recommendations

Liberal theology
The rise of liberal theology - M James Sawyer
A brief response to liberal theology - J Gresham Machen
The full text of Machen's famous book against liberal theology

Roman Catholicism
A biblical analysis of Roman Catholicism
Reformed theology and Roman Catholicism: Calvin's response to the council of Trent

Open theism
A critique of Clark Pinnock's "The openness of God"
Various critiques

Gender issues
Council for biblical manhood and womanhood
The entire text of the book on biblical manhood and womanhood
A Vision of Biblical Complementarity - John Piper
Male language and the trinity - Bruce Ware
Gender issues in translating the bible - Darrel L Bock

Doing postmodern evangelism – Don Carson
The alpha course examined - Tim Chapman

Infant baptism
A biblical case for infant baptism

The Cambridge papers on social, political and economic matters
Government as judgment

General quality on-line articles
Articles from Desiring God website
John Frame articles (Search under “John Frame” in “files” section. Esp. on ethics, apologetics, doctrine.)
Christianity today – leadership
Leadership University
Theologian - for integrated theology re contemporary issues
The theology network
Articles from Modern Reformation archive
Articles from Southern Baptist Journal of Theology archive
Journal of biblical counselling archive
Christian apologetics journal

Reformed Theology
Abraham Kuyper on the Calvinistic worldview
Lorainne Boettner's classic
Center for reformed theology and apologetics
Third millenium ministries
The Genevan Institute of Reformed Studies
Alliance of confessing evangelicals
Reformation and dominion

The crossroads project
Comparison of texts from other religions on key topics

Church History
The hall of church history
Guide to the reformation
Documents of the reformation
Books, sermons, articles from past theologians
Key puritan texts
Christian classics ethereal library
John Calvin
Jonathan Edwards
Thomas Manton
Martin Luther
John Owen
C H Spurgeon

Creeds, Confessions and Catechisms
The Apostles Creed
The Nicene Creed
The Athanasian Creed
The Definition of Chalcedon
The Anathemas of the Second Council of Constantinople (553 A.D.)
The Canons of Dordt (1618 A.D.)
The Belgic Confession (1618 A.D.)
The Westminster Confession of Faith
The 39 Articles of the Church of England
Catechism for Young Children
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
The Westminster Larger Catechism
The Heidelberg Catechism
The Cambridge Declaration (1996)

Anglican issues
An assessment of Rowan William's theology
Order Latimer studies
Order churchman Anglican journal
The Church of England official website
Anglicans Online
Anglican Church League
Church Society
Anglican Mainstream
Prayer books

Key journals with on-line articles
Beginning with Moses – articles on biblical theology
Theologian - journal of integrated theology
Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
Founder' journal
Modern reformation
Christian apologetics journal
Journal of biblical counselling

Secondary journals with on-line articles
Theology matters
The Chalcedon Foundation
Contra Mundum
Credenda Agenda
The Founders Journal
Ordained Servant

"Broader" journals with on-line articles
First things
IRT bulletin

Church papers and magazines
Church times
Church of England Newspaper
Evangelical times
Evangelicals now

Secular comment
Prospect magazine
BBC News

New books

Second hand books
Gowan books
Advanced Book Exchange

Theological Colleges
Oak Hill Theological College, England
Westminster Theological Seminary, USA
Moore Theological College, Australia