An extremely comprehensive site from the ministry of the American Baptist Pastor, John Piper.
Perhaps the clearest on-line presentation of the Christian message.
A means of finding somewhere you can attend this internationally renowned course which provides probably the best available introduction to Christianity.
A well presented site that engages the key questions and objections many have about Christianity.
Apologetics topics and talks
Apologetics topics and talks
A comprehensive site giving summaries of Christian doctrine, answers to questions and objections, and a Christian perspective on the many other religions or cults.
An archive of the texts and audio files of talks on aspects of culture and apologetics by the best Christian minds of our day.
Bible study software, translations, dictionaries and books, easy to use and all absolutely free.
Many translations of the Bible on-line and searchable.
Quality free on-line sermons
The talk archive of All Souls Church in London , containing an incredible amount of talks, and many by John Stott.
Quality talks from international speakers given for the Northern Ireland “at the castle” conferences
Some of the best preaching from the US .
The site of the Good Book Company
The site of Christian Focus Publications.
The site of Inter Varsity Press.
The site of Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing.
An on-line literature site.
Secular and Christian press
A superb secular summary of UK and world news each week, with outlines from the various papers.
Intelligent secular comment on current affairs, with all of the previous month’s magazine on line.
A comprehensive Christian overview of church news in the UK and world.
Engaging with politics
Living in a democracy gives great opportunity for influencing the political process for good and obeying God’s command to seek justice. Christian Concern is thought through and well organized in helping Christians do just that.
Caring charities
Christ stressed certain priorities in our care for the world: fellow Christians in need, the poor, and the most vulnerable.
The Barnabus Fund provides an avenue for you to pray for and support your persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.
Tear Fund is perhaps the largest and most established agency to help you in caring for the poor.
Compassion UK will enable you to act on behalf of children, probably the most vulnerable group of all.
Care of our environment is also a particular need today, and one that ultimately impacts the poor of our world. A Rocha is an international site for Christians in conservation.
Finding help with life’s struggles
Links to the UK ’s main caring organisations, whether secular or Christian.
A site promoting, supporting and helping us live out the Christian view of the family.
A site seeking to support Christians struggling with being single.
Christians in the workplace
A site to help Christian graduates make the transition into the workplace.
The site for Christians in Science.
The site for the Christian Teachers Association.
The site of the UK Christian Union Movement.
The site for the worldwide Christian Union Movement.
Media and culture
Papers and bible studies about key non-Christian books, films and TV shows etc.
The Institute of Contemporary Christianity, helping Christians relate their faith to life.
Papers and events at a deeper level relating Christian faith to the issues of our day.
A Christian community and study centre that seeks to promote a thoughtful and holistic Biblical Christianity.
Theology and ethics topics and talks
Superb site listing reformed theology articles, and downloadable talks and courses.
Free downloads of Reformed Theological Seminary lectures
Talks and lectures by DA Carson, Professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinty School
Various papers on key theological, ethical and pastoral subjects.
The Christian Medical fellowship site with a mass of articles on all sorts of issues in medical ethics.
A Reformed Theology Journal at a basic to intermediate level.
A reformed theology site.
An online library of much Christian literature from throughout church history.