(fixed for the sake of
[Our form for baptism or
confirmation uses the Apostles’ Creed, baptismal commitments and exhortation
used in Anglican services and that have developed from those used throughout
history. This is to maintain the sense of baptism bringing the individual into
the historic and worldwide church.]
An explanation of baptism is
Thanksgivings may be said for
the child by parent(s) and/or siblings.
The Declarations
The leader addresses the
Baptism signifies being united with Christ in
his death and resurrection, so that we die to sin and live a new life (Rom 6v4,
Col 2v11-13). Today you make commitments on your child’s behalf. Therefore I
N and N do you reject the devil and all rebellion against God which is to turn from all that scripture testifies is
contrary to his will? I do.
Do you call on Christ as Saviour which is to ask him to fully forgive your sin
acknowledging you could never deserve his favour? I do.
Do you submit to Christ as Lord which is to conform your
heart, mind, will and life to his teaching whatever the cost? I do.
Addressing those present
the leader will continue along the following lines:
Most simply, baptism is the
sign of God’s covenant with us in Christ, in which he promises to be our God
and have us as his people. Like a certificate of citizenship it marks out those
who belong to his kingdom with all the rights and responsibilities that entails
(1 Pet 3v21, Acts 2v38-39). It signifies coming to know and serve God as
Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt 28v19-20), being counted righteous by him
(Rom 4v11), being forgiven our sin through Christ’s death, being made alive by
the Holy Spirit in anticipation of the resurrection to come (Col 2v12-13), and
being included as members of the body of Christ, which is the church (1 Cor
12v13). In signifying these things, baptism guarantees them to all who own and
maintain a repentant faith in Christ and the apostolic gospel. So as we witness
this baptism and confirmation today, let’s be reminded of these things,
committing or recommitting ourselves to Christ, to the new life he calls us to,
and to raising our children to do the same.
Addressing those to be baptised or confirmed,
the leader says:
You now affirm your belief in the historic
Christian faith as taught in the scriptures and held to by this church.
Do you believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth?
I do.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our
Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
died, and was buried; who descended to the dead; and on the third day rose
again; who ascended into heaven; is seated at the right hand of the Father, and
who will come again to judge the living and the dead?
I do.
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy
universal Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the
resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting? I do.
Do you give thanks for C, accept the
joys and duties of parenthood, and in humble reliance on God’s grace, promise
to love and care for him/her as someone God himself has entrusted to
your care? Do you promise to bring him/her up within the community of
the church, pray for him/her, teach and model the Christian faith to him/her,
and raise him/her in the training and instruction of the Lord? I do.
The leader addresses any
Godparents, do you promise to support and
encourage C in his/her faith, and N and N in their
responsibilities as parents? We do.
The leader addresses the wider
family of the church:
Grace Church family, and all who are committed
to this family in Christ Jesus, do you promise to support them with your love,
your prayers and your encouragement? We do.
The Baptism
The baptismal party move to
the water.
An explanation of the
significance of the water is given.
A prayer is said that what is
signified would be a reality along the following lines:
Almighty and eternal God, in
your mercy you saved Noah and his family through waters of judgment, and safely
led the children of Israel to a new life through the waters of the Red Sea. This
all symbolized baptism, for by the baptism of your Son, Jesus Christ you set
water apart, sanctifying it to represent the spiritual washing away of sin and
the new life of your Spirit.
So look in mercy on N who is to be baptized in this water and N who will confirm their/his/her baptismal vows; that having been united with Christ they would continue to be washed and sanctified by the Holy Spirit, receiving the forgiveness of sins and the blessings of new birth. And grant that having been delivered from your great anger at sin, and adopted as your children, they/he/she may remain within the ark of Christ's church; and being steadfast in faith, may so pass through the waters of this troubled world that they/he/she finally come/s to the land of everlasting life, there to reign with you for ever, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
So look in mercy on N who is to be baptized in this water and N who will confirm their/his/her baptismal vows; that having been united with Christ they would continue to be washed and sanctified by the Holy Spirit, receiving the forgiveness of sins and the blessings of new birth. And grant that having been delivered from your great anger at sin, and adopted as your children, they/he/she may remain within the ark of Christ's church; and being steadfast in faith, may so pass through the waters of this troubled world that they/he/she finally come/s to the land of everlasting life, there to reign with you for ever, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Based on a prayer from the
The child is baptised with the
N, I baptise you in the name of
The Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen.
An exhortation is given to the
N, do not be
ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, but fight valiantly as a
disciple of Christ against sin, the world and the devil, and remain faithful to
Christ to the end of your life.
N, we receive you into Christ’s church, and into the
fellowship our congregation. [Take him/her around as “two little eyes” sung]
Hands are laid on the child
and a prayer is said for them and their parents along the following lines:
Gracious Father, your mercy is for those who fear you from generation to generation. May N
grow in wisdom and in stature
and in favour with you and with all people. May he/she
share his/her parents’ faith, trusting in Christ Jesus for the
forgiveness of his/her sins, and loving you, the Lord his/her
God, with all his/her heart, soul, mind and strength, that he/she
may have life and have it to the full.
Grant P and P all wisdom, patience
and endurance as parents. Move them to be persistent in prayer for N, godly in their example, and to
faithfully tell him/her of your matchless love and all your glorious
deeds. Grant that they (and their other children) would walk with N
in the way of Christ, and that they and he/she would not depart from it.
May N, and his/her children,
and his/her children’s children,
follow in that way, that they would set their hope
in you, not forgetting your works and keeping your commandments, through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
A kids Bible is given from the
The family return to their