(fixed for the sake of
The leader says:
“The LORD is good; his steadfast
love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.”
We are
delighted to welcome the families and friends of N and N [and their family].
They join us today as we give thanks for C life, pray for God’s blessing
on him/her, and welcome him/her into our church family, just as
Jesus welcomed and blessed the children brought to him.
God has
wonderful intentions for the children of those who follow Christ. The Bible
describes them as “holy,” set-apart for God’s service. It reminds us that one
of God’s key purposes for marriage is that it results in godly children so that
each generation would benefit from his care, know and speak his word, and live
in his presence. It is for this reason that parents are given the weighty
responsibility of raising their children in the training and instruction of the
Lord, reminding them of all he desires and has done, and talking about him through
the everyday activities of life.
Before the
Lord, N and N will therefore dedicate themselves to bring C up in
this way, and we will pledge ourselves to encourage and support them and their
family, as they seek to do so.
The Thanksgiving
The leader asks:
N and N, do you thank God for C?
We do.
may be said for the child by parent(s) and/or siblings.
prayer of thanksgiving is then said by the leader:
God our
Father, you give and sustain all life,
and every
good and perfect gift comes from you.
We praise
you for the wonder and joy of creation,
And give
you special thanks for C,
for his/her life, for the gifts you have
given him/her,
and for
all the potential he/she has to serve
you and serve your world.
Accept our
thanks and praise, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
If no
dedication follows, the leader lays a hand on the child and prays a prayer of
C: May the Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord
make his face to shine upon you
And be
gracious to you;
The Lord
lift up the light of his countenance upon you
And give
you peace. Amen.
The leader addresses the
N and N, you now affirm your belief in the historic Christian faith
into which C is to be raised, as it is taught in the scriptures and held
to by this church.
you believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth? I do.
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; who descended to the dead; and on the third day rose again; who ascended into heaven; is seated at the right hand of the Father. and who will come again to judge the living and the dead? I do.
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy universal Church, the communion of all God’s people, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting? I do.
Do you
accept the joys and duties of parenthood, promising to love and care for C
as one who God himself has entrusted to your care? Do you promise to bring him/her
up within the Christian community, pray for him/her, teach and model the
Christian faith to him/her, and raise him/her in the training and instruction of the Lord? We do.
The minister says to any godparents
do you promise to pray for N and N in this task, and for C to
grow in this faith, and do you commit yourself to supporting and encouraging
them in this with both your words and your example? We do.
The minister says to the church
Church family, and all who are committed to this family in Christ Jesus, do you
promise to support them with your love, prayers and encouragements? We do.
prayer is said for the parents to fulfil their responsibilities:
Most perfect Father, grant N
and N all wisdom, patience and endurance as parents. Move them to be
persistent in prayer for C, godly in their example, and to faithfully
tell him/her of your matchless love
and all your glorious deeds. Grant that they [and their children] would walk
with C in the way of Christ, and that they and he/she would not depart from it. May he/she, and his/her
children, and his/her children’s
children, follow in that way, so that they should set their hope in you, not
forgetting your works and keeping your commandments, through Jesus Christ our
prayer is said for the child’s growth in faith, concluding with a prayer of
Gracious God, your mercy is for
those who fear you from generation to generation. And so we pray that you would
pour your Spirit upon C. May he/she
grow in wisdom and in stature and in favour with you and all people. May he/she share his/her parents’ faith, trusting
in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of his/her sins, and loving you, the Lord his
God, with all his/her heart, soul,
mind and strength, that he/she may have
life and have it to the full. Amen.
And so C: May the Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord
make his face to shine upon you
And be
gracious to you;
The Lord
lift up the light of his countenance upon you
And give
you peace. Amen.